Tenant Based Rental Assistance(TBRA) – For residents of Chula Vista and National City
Because total requests for assistance have exceeded available funding, we have closed our waitlist and are no longer accepting new applications for rental assistance as of October 6, 2023. Applicants who submitted an application between September 11, 2023 and October 6, 2023 received a letter, email or phone call at the address or phone number provided on their application providing the status of their application. All applicants who were placed on the wait list received a position number based on the date SBCS received the completed application. Placement on the waitlist is not a guarantee of a rental assistance offer or eligibility.
To check your status or update your information on the waitlist, please complete the link below. An SBCS associate will contact you within three business days. If you need a reasonable accommodation please call 619-420-3620 or visit our office at 430 F st., Chula Vista CA 91910.
Links to resources:
Chula Vista COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program(ERAP)(Application Closed)
Updates: The City of Chula Vista’s COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has concluded after 18 months of helping low income Chula Vista renters who experienced a financial hardship due to or during the COVID-19 pandemic. SBCS, the administrator of the program, has disbursed all remaining funds to qualifying households. If you are a tenant, landlord, or San Diego Superior Court Staff and have questions about a submitted application, please contact SBCS at 619-271-1805. Please note that SBCS will need to verify the identity of the caller before providing any information about an ERAP application. SBCS thanks the City of Chula Vista and all of the partner organizations who collaborated on this program to reach families in need and help them apply for and receive assistance from this program.
The City of Chula Vista’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) helped eligible households in the City of Chula Vista who have been financially impacted due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provided payment assistance for renters who needed help with rent and utilities. The City of Chula Vista received funds from the United States Department of Treasury (federal award numbers ERA01031, ERAE0061, ERAE0307) and the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development. The program is being administered by SBCS.
Additional Resources
General Resources
- State of California COVID-19 Rent Relief Housing is Key https://housing.ca.gov/covid_rr/program_overview.html
- San Diego County 211 – Home – 211 San Diego Phone Number: 211
- SBCS – Serving San Diego County Children, Youth & Families – SBCS (sbcssandiego.org) 619-420-3620
- Free food: please see the SBCS food distribution calendar
- Help for families with young children: First 5 First Steps
Legal Resources
- Tenants in California have certain protections from eviction under state law, as well as under local laws in some cities and counties. For more information, please visit the State’s Housing Is Key website at https://housing.ca.gov/tenant/protection_guidelines.html
- If you believe you have been unlawfully evicted or if you need legal advice, you should consult with an attorney. If you need low or no cost legal help, please visit lawhelpca.org for additional resources.
- Legal Aid Society of San Diego – 1-877-534-2524
- CSA San Diego County: www.c4sa.org 619-444-5700
Rental and Security Deposit Resources
- County of San Diego security deposit program: Security Deposit Assistance Program (sandiegocounty.gov) 858-694-4801
- Veteran’s Assistance: San Diego County Veteran’s Affairs | Veterans Affairs 1-800-827-1000
Utility Resources
- SDGE CARES program: CARE and FERA Programs | San Diego Gas & Electric (sdge.com) 1-877-646-5525
- Statewide utility assistance: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (ca.gov) California Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program | Benefits.gov 916-376-7109; 1-866-675-6623
Landlord Resources
- Mortgage assistance program: California Mortgage Relief Program | (camortgagerelief.org)
- County of San Diego small landlord program: Rental Assistance for Small Landlords (sandiegocounty.gov) 858-694-4801
Flyers and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
These flyers are available for archival purposes and do not reflect current fund availability. For the most up-to-date information, see ERAP Program Update at the top of this webpage.
ERAP Flyer (Updated 7-7-2021)
ERAP FAQ (Updated 10-7-2021)
ERAP Flyer (Updated 7-8-2021)
ERAP FAQ (Updated 10-7-2021)
ERAP Flyer (Updated 7-8-2021)
ERAP FAQ (Updated 10-1-2021)
This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award numbers ERA01031, ERAE0061, ERAE0307 awarded to the City of Chula Vista by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
This page will be updated as new information becomes available, check back here for updates!
SBCS will not deny any resident the equal opportunity to apply for or receive assistance under any program administered on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, familial or marital status, disability, income source, or sexual orientation.