Are clearances required?
All on-going volunteers (volunteers interacting with clients on a regular basis) will need to complete and pass the following: 1. Background Check – Forms and information to schedule your Live Scan fingerprinting will be given during the Volunteer Orientation. 2. Drug Test: A Drug Test will be administered at the conclusion of the Volunteer Orientation. 3. Tuberculosis (TB) Test – A TB test with your physician or at a local clinic of your choice is also required before starting your volunteer work. A TB test consists of an injection in your forearm, followed by a brief visit 2 to 3 days later where a clinician will examine the injection spot. A copy of your TB test results must be submitted. ***This is the only test NOT paid for by SBCS***
When are clearances NOT required?
One-time volunteers opportunities (i.e. Special Events, Site Beautification, and Food Distributions) do not require clearances. The volunteer must sign a Confidentiality Form and must be in the presence of SBCS employees at ALL TIMES. If the volunteer wishes to return on a regular basis, full clearances will be necessary.
How do I find out which volunteer positions are available?
Upon completion of your online profile, you will be able to browse all volunteer positions and determine which positions you are interested in, and qualify for.
How is my volunteer role/position determined?
Upon creating a volunteer profile and filling out an application, you will be able to browse available volunteer opportunities, rank preferences, and state your interests. Once your completed application is received, the Communications and External Affairs team will review your information and determine eligibility. In the event that we are unable to match you with your preferred request, you will be presented with alternative volunteer opportunities.
Can I volunteer on the weekends?
Due to the nature of the majority of our programs, we do not currently have any on-going weekend positions available, however we do participate in occasional weekend events, including fundraisers, community outreach, and seasonal programs. If you are interested in assisting with weekend events, please indicate this on your Volunteer Application and we will contact you as these opportunities arise.
Do you accept Court Ordered volunteers?
SBCS is happy to accept youth court ordered volunteers (18 year olds still in high school may still apply). However, due to the strict nature of our program contracts, opportunities will be limited to: Special Events, Food Programs, Site Beautification and occasional Office Assistance. Unfortunately, SBCS does not accept adults requiring court-mandated volunteer hours.
What if I need a letter acknowledging my hours of service?
SBCS is more than happy to provide verification letters for any and all volunteers. Please make sure that you request your letter at least a week in advance. Please be advised that although we do keep track of hours served, it is ultimately the responsibility of the volunteer to track their own hours. You may do so utilizing your online volunteer profile.
When are Volunteer Orientations held?
Volunteer Orientations are held twice monthly on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00pm, and again on the 3rd Wednesday at 3:00pm. All orientations are held at our main agency, which is located at: 430 F Street in Chula Vista.
What can I expect at the Volunteer Orientation?
Volunteer Orientations last approximately 1 hour. During the meeting we will go over the Volunteer Manual, agency expectations, sign required agency forms, and begin the Volunteer Clearance Process. Drug Tests will be conducted on site at the conclusion of the meeting, and all prospective volunteers will receive information to assist in the completion of the additional clearances. Each participant will receive a copy of the SBCS Volunteer Manual.
What if I’m not able to attend a Volunteer Orientation?
In the event that a prospective volunteer is unable to attend one of the regularly scheduled Orientation meetings, alternative arrangements can be made, however please be advised that this process may lengthen the volunteer process due to limited availability of appointments. In addition, all clearances will need to be completed on the volunteer’s own time.