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San Ysidro Domestic Violence Prevention Collaborative

San Ysidro Domestic Violence Prevention Collaborative

The San Ysidro Domestic Violence Prevention Collaborative (SYDVPC) was formed in 2019 to raise awareness about and end domestic violence in San Ysidro.  We are a multi-sector alliance whose vision is a thriving community that feels empowered, supported, and educated to change culture around relationships to build a healthier and happier community.  The San Ysidro Domestic Violence Prevention Collaborative is funded by Blue Shield of California Foundation and with support from the U.S. Department of Education.


Research shows that about one in three U.S. teens ages 14 to 20 have been victims of dating violence and about the same number say they have committed relationship violence themselves.i   Research also shows that schools can make a difference in preventing teen violence and other forms of gender-based violence.ii   In an effort to raise awareness about teen dating violence on school campuses, the SYDVPC

partnered with San Ysidro High school in 2021 to facilitate a platicas series on campus about healthy relationships followed by an essay contest describing a world free of violence in which one essay was selected to represent the shared vision of San Ysidro youth.  In partnership with A Reason to Survive (ARTS), the San Ysidro High School student author and ARTS artist, a graduate himself from San Ysidro High School, transformed her essay into a mural painting.

The student author wrote “A dark veil was placed upon me as the days went by, the world became so gray and pale. Consumed by fear like nasty green mold growing in my heart. How wonderful were the days before I met him and fell into that dark place, a time, a world without violence.

How lovely, how vivid, how vibrant, the colors would always dance together in harmony and the sounds of people came together to form a beautiful chorus of joy. I should seek help, I know. But he says he loves me, and everyone did leave just like he said. But alas, there will be a long-awaited day when the veil will be taken off and I’ll experience the beauty of life again. Help is just one phone call away, just like he promised he would be”.  SYDVPC’s goals of creating a travelling mural were to raise awareness about domestic violence in San Ysidro and Countywide, serve as a conversation starter for students, school personnel and parents, and support survivors of violence to seek help.






Resources for Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence

San Diego Domestic Violence Council – https://www.sddvc.org/resources

Your Safe Place (San Diego Family Justice Center) https://www.sandiego.gov/yoursafeplace

National Domestic Violence Hotline – https://www.thehotline.org/

Love is Respect (for teens)-  https://www.loveisrespect.org/



i “National Rates of Adolescent Physical, Psychological, and Sexual Teen-Dating Violence,” Michele Ybarra PhD, MPH, Center for Innovative Public Health Research; Dorothy L. Espelage, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne; Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, PhD, University of South Alabama; Josephine D. Korchmaros, PhD, University of Arizona; Danah Boyd, PhD, New York University; and Kathleen Basile, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

ii Taylor, B., Stein, N.D., Woods, D., Mumford, E. 2011. Shifting Boundaries: Final Report on an Experimental Evaluation of a Youth Dating Violence Program in New York City Middle Schools. U.S. Department of Justice.